Caring for people, places and the planet

From the company’s origins in 1901, 亿宝彩票app has been a people organisation, 工作时要坚信,伟大的人能够而且确实会有所作为. 我们相信我们对地球、我们的员工和我们所亿宝彩票app官网的社区的责任. We know that when we get things right, 它提高了生活质量,让世界变得更好——这就是我们的动力所在.

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speak up

Ethical business practices are a part of Corporate Responsibility

Find out how our Code of Conduct is connected to everything we do. “畅所欲言”政策与我们的道德标准和行为密切相关. 根据亿宝彩票app的价值观和行为准则,亿宝彩票app的商业诚信是不容置疑的.

Read about our Code of Conduct and Speak Up policy/ /矛头指向/ responsible-business-conduct-and-speak-up
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A sustainable business model that supports the world we live in

As a global company with 370,000 employees, 在解决世界上一些最紧迫的可持续发展挑战方面,我们可以发挥重要作用. 我们围绕三个主题领域为可持续发展作出贡献:     

  • People: Promoting safe working conditions, health & 福祉和人权,同时培养多元化和包容的文化.   
  • Planet: Reducing our environmental impact, 同时通过战略性建议和亿宝彩票app官网帮助客户创造可持续发展的工作场所.   
  • Profit: 通过遵守健全的商业标准和遵守我们的商业诚信框架,对全球商业环境产生积极影响.  
Learn more/ /矛头指向/ cr-reporting-policies-and-publications

Supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals

我们坚定致力于建设一个更有韧性、更公正的国际社会. Our target is to lead our industry by example, 无论我们在哪里运营,我们的目标都是对市场产生积极的影响. With our focus on how we can take an ethical approach to people, planet and profit, 我们特别努力支持以下联合国可持续发展目标:


Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

亿宝彩票app是一家多元文化的公司,拥抱并鼓励多样性. 劳动力中有近50%是女性,我们为赋予女性权力做出了重大贡献. Female representation in management, 领导力发展和研究生课程是重中之重,并正在取得进展. Our Diversity Policy continues to bring results, 有更多的举措来确定女性候选人,并将女性提升到更高的职位. 培训方案教育、执行和嵌入反对骚扰和歧视的政策.


Promote sustained, inclusive and sustain- able economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

最低工资、组织权和安全的工作环境是亿宝彩票app的基本标准. As a dedicated people company, 我们大力投资于发展公司各个层次的员工. 我们在各级采取持续行动,以消除伤害和死亡. 我们对强迫劳动、童工、现代奴隶制和人口贩运持零容忍态度

SDG 10

Reduce inequality withinand among countries

As one of the world’s largest private employers, 亿宝彩票app为世界各地的许多个人和家庭提供了经济基础. There is an increasing number of refugees in our workforce, as well as people with mental and physical disabilities, social challenges or little academic education. 我们通过教育项目为员工提供发展技能的机会, increasing their job and career opportunities.

SDG 12

Ensure sustainable consumptionand production patterns

我们的目标是透过卓越清洁计划,减少化学品的消耗, 与战略供应商合作,开发和测试新的工具和流程,以减少对环境的影响. We focus on green innovation projects, such as the comprehensive Diversey SURE range of cleaning products. These are plant based and 100% biodegradable, 旨在提供卓越的结果,同时对人安全,对环境友好.

SDG 13

Take urgent action to combatclimate change and its impacts

国际空间站致力于不断减少由于我们的运营对环境的负面影响, and we also work with customers
to help them reduce their own environmental footprint. We work at our customers’ premises, 这意味着我们可以深入了解他们的表现,并利用这些知识帮助他们管理和减少他们的影响,达到他们的目标. 我们制定了到2040年在所有领域实现净零排放的目标.

SDG 16

促进和平和包容的社会,促进可持续发展, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

我们的目标是通过《亿宝彩票app》和《亿宝彩票app官网》消除一切形式的歧视和不道德行为. These policies are the basis of our learning tools and programmes, 包括广泛的入职培训课程,所有新员工都将接受我们的工作方式和价值观的培训. Corruption and bribery are illegal and against our values, 我们提倡“畅所欲言”制度,让员工提出对这些问题的担忧, anonymously and without fear of reprisal.

Meet our people option 2_Graded


People who make a difference

我们拥抱并鼓励最广泛的多样性和包容性, including ethnicity, race, age, gender, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, language, cultural and educational background. 我们多元化的员工队伍被认为是一个关键的竞争优势,也是我们长期可持续业务成功的重要资产. Our inclusive culture empowers our people, and make us more creative, productive, and attractive as a workplace.

Learn more/career/your-career-at-iss/our-culture

Corporate sustainability in focus

Find out how we create long-term value for our business, 通过解决我们面临的主要可持续发展挑战,并定期透明地报告我们的绩效,我们周围的世界也将如此.

Read our Corporate Responsibility report

Stories about people, places and planet