
Three Ways to Waste Less 食物

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Discover easy-to-implement tips for reducing food waste at home and creating a sustainable kitchen. Minimise your environmental impact while maximising your resourcefulness.

食物 waste is a tremendous problem with far-reaching global effects. 世界范围内, an estimate of 30% of all food produced goes uneaten, with most of it ending up in landfills. Reducing the amount of food wasted could feed more people and minimise methane emissions from landfills. 结果是, our executive chefs at 国际空间站 are dedicated to ensuring a sustainable food future and finding creative ways to repurpose items that would otherwise be thrown away.

One of these chefs is Brian Sarofeen from 国际空间站 North America. Alongside his colleague Michael Kedala, he emerged as the winner of the 美国 Culinary Competition and secured third place in the 国际空间站 International Culinary Competition 2023. Brian collaborates with his team to integrate sustainability into their daily operations. Below, he outlines several methods to reduce food waste and maintain a sustainable kitchen.

1. 追求效率

Chef Brian says that one of the best ways to avoid food waste is to ensure you aren’t overproducing and finding novel ways to use leftover items.

“Anything you can repurpose is ideal,” he says. “Saving vegetable scraps for stock is low-hanging fruit—that’s a given. It’s finding creative ways to handle the stuff you can’t turn into stock. For example, our team makes our own vinegars. If we’ve got some berries or vegetables on the verge of going bad, we’ll turn them into a house-made vinegar or dressing for our health bar.”

He’s also a fan of dehydrating ripening fruits and vegetables, as they can be eaten as is or pulverized into a powder for garnishes or to add a spike of flavour to sauces.
“Dehydrated mushroom and tomato ends are a great option for adding a spike of umami flavour to anything you’re making.”

2. 了解你的影响

He says that one of the best things cooks can do is to remember that every bit of effort to reduce waste helps.

“It’s a big deal to help someone understand that it’s bigger than just the food scraps I may throw away,厨师布莱恩说. “T在这里’s a lot to remember when it comes to food waste. I mentioned not overproducing, but also thinking ahead about how you can reuse items for future meals goes a long way. 你知道, instead of being okay with throwing things out, dedicate yourself to learning how to use those extra items to give them new life.”

He says t在这里 are many ways to make an impact with how you cook, from fermenting scraps to make hot sauces to pickling your extra vegetables.

“Given how much food waste t在这里 is, anything you can do helps solve the problem,” he says. “A lot of professional chefs are obsessed with sustainability, but it’s something everyone can contribute to.”

3. 记录你使用的东西

Many of us buy in bulk to stock up, only to find that some of the items go bad or end up being unused. In addition to shopping more regularly in smaller amounts, keeping up with what’s available and building meal plans around it can save both food and money. 

“我们在这里使用Winnow, which is a really amazing way to keep track of and reduce food waste,厨师布莱恩说. “Otherwise, it’s easy to end up with a really expensive trash barrel. 但即使没有它, you don’t need to be able to perform brain surgery to keep track of information and put it to use.”

For the average home cook without access to a food waste platform, keeping a “first in first out” methodology for meal planning, labelling your leftovers with dates, and not overbuying can do a lot to reduce waste in your home kitchen.

“With some items, you can only do so much. But it’s finding that extra 5% you can do. Over months and years, that 5% adds up and you’re making a real difference.”

Find out more about our commitment to sustainable food solutions 在这里